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Sugar is depleting your vitamin C

Basma Saleh

Sugar is depleting your vitamin C





Due to some sort of genetic mutation humans can no longer synthesize their own vitamin C, however, all animals except monkeys and guinea pigs do. 

Vitamin C is one of the most important, but somehow overlooked, vitamins that our immune system heavily depends on. We need vitamin C to produce collagen, which makes up to 30% of the protein in our bodies. It is also needed by our muscles, cell membranes, joints and definitely our skin to look younger.


How vitamin C affects our immune system

In the 1960s, two time Nobel prize laureate Dr. Linus Pauling discovered that white blood cells, which are immune cells, need very high doses of vitamin C to function properly. He found that these immune cells need 50 times higher concentration of vitamin C inside the cell than outside. (1)


In his book 'Vitamin C and the Common Cold' Dr. Pauling maintained that common cold could be controlled almost entirely through an adequate intake of ascorbic acid (vitamin C). (2)


We now understand that Vitamin C plays an even bigger role in our body that is beyond a common cold. It can help protect us from cancer.


A study that was published in PubMed revealed that:

'Vitamin C deficiency is common in patients with advanced cancer and that patients with low plasma concentrations of vitamin C have a shorter survival.'


Moreover, vitamin C is thought to have the potential to help cure coronavirus patients. To learn more check this blog post.


How sugar intake can affect levels of vitamin C in our body

While doing research on cancer in the 1970s, a scientist named Dr. John Ely discovered the Glucose-Ascorbate-Antagonism (GAA) theory. Dr. Ely found that glucose and ascorbate (vitamin C) have a very close chemical composition and that they have the same pathway to enter our cells, which is insulin! This meant that whenever sugar is elevated in the blood, vitamin C had a lower chance to enter into the cells. 


Dr. Ely then came up with the phagocytic index, which measures how good can white blood cells destroy abnormal cells such as bacteria, viruses and cancer. 


He found that a blood sugar of 120 reduces the phagocytic index by a whopping 75%.


In other words, if you maintain a high level of sugar in your blood throughout the day, you'll definitely have your immune system compromised. Imagine  waking up in the morning and eating a bowl of cereal then drinking a glass of juice or eating a sandwich later in the day plus a piece of cake here and there. Is there going to be a chance for the vitamin C to enter your cells?


How to raise vitamin C levels

Foods that are rich in vitamin C include bell peppers, leafy greens, lemon, lime, broccoli among others. But since the soil is currently depleted and crops don't have the same amount of nutrients they had years ago, supplementation may sometimes be required.


To give you an insight, an apple has lost 82% of its magnesium content and 96% of its iron content between 1914 and 1992, while a chicken has lost 100% of its vitamin A content and 50% of its vitamin B1 content between 1963 and 1992 (Data from the US Department of Agriculture 2012).


If you ever decide that supplementation is what you need to address a certain condition (after consulting your physician), you must take into consideration that dosage plays an important factor. As Dr. Levy says, "the three most important considerations in effective vitamin C therapy are dose, dose, and dose. If you don’t take enough you don’t get the desired effects. Period."


A good book to read if you're interested in vitamin C therapy is 'Curing The Incurable' by Dr. Thomas Levy (one of the highest authorities in vitamin C therapy around the world).


Dr. Robert Cathcart's bowel tolerance method

Bowel tolerance is basically having patients take a high vitamin C dose, divided on a 2 hour span throughout the day, until they reach a stage where they start experiencing loose stools. As soon as they reach bowel tolerance, they would start lowering the dose.

To give you an insight, a person would start by taking 2 or 3 grams of vitamin C every 2 hours (I know that some people might think that this is an insanely high amount of vitamin C, but these high doses are recommended by experts) until they reach a point where they start experiencing loose stool. At this point, they calculate how many grams had taken them to reach this stage then deduct 15 to 20% of the dose. They then keep on taking the new dose until they experience loose stool again and do the same, which is reduce the dose by another 15 to 20%.

An example:

If someone experienced loose stool after taking 30 grams of vitamin C, then they should take off between 4.5 to 6 grams from the dose and start taking between 25.5 grams and 24 grams a day. When this dose begins to have them experience loose stool, they take another 15 to 20% off.

The bottom line is, the healthier the person the lower the dose of vitamin C he/she will tolerate and vice versa.

It is worth noting that late Dr. Fred Klenner who conducted a lot of research on high dose vitamin C in the 1950s thinks a healthy person take can easily tolerate between 5 and 10 grams of vitamin C per day.


Things to remember from this post

1. Humans can't synthesize vitamin c and have to take it from food and supplements.

2. Vitamin C deficiency is common in patients with advanced cancer.

3. Elevated blood sugar decreases vitamin C's chance to enter into the cells.

5. Foods high in vitamin C include bell peppers, leafy greens, lemon, lime and broccoli. 

6. The late Dr. Klenner M.D. was able to cure many illnesses, including polio, with high dose vitamin C 


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