Colostrum FAQs
What is colostrum?
Colostrum is simply immune milk. It is packed full of immune and growth factors that help children grow and adults repair their DNA.
Why colostrum?
We have experienced the tremendous health benefits of colostrum first hand and want to spread the word.
Colostrum is backed by more than 5,000 studies that have highlighted its health benefits, which range from healing leaky gut, stimulating collagen production, neutralizing bacteria and viruses to balancing the immune system.
Colostrum in the sports world
The Australian Olympic Team attributed the substantial number of medals that its athletes had won during the 2000 and 2004 Olympics to colostrum supplementation. Since then, elite athletes from all over the world have started supplementing colostrum to increase muscle strength, stamina, speed recovery and burn fat.
Difference between whey protein and colostrum?
Whey protein is the byproduct of cheese-making and because it doesn’t taste good, companies add flavorings and sweeteners to make it appealing to consumers. Colostrum is a WHOLE food that tastes great on its own.
Colostrum was shown to increase lean muscle mass ONLY, while whey protein increased both muscle mass and fat together.
Other studies comparing both found that elite athletes supplementing colostrum excelled in cardiovascular functioning, endurance and sprint performance and had less upper respiratory illness.
Why cow colostrum?
Scientific research, conducted in the last decade in major medical research centers and universities, throughout the world, has shown that the molecular combinations of the immune and growth factors in cow’s Colostrum are virtually identical to human. Research has also shown Colostrum from a bovine (cow) is not species specific, and it’s up to 100 to 1000 times more potent than our mother’s Colostrum. This means that every mammal on earth can benefit from bovine Colostrum.
Are the calves harmed by taking colostrum for this product?
The calves’ needs are always met first. Extra Colostrum remains after the calves’ needs are satisfied. Studies show that most calves would simply die if they didn’t get at least 2 quarts of Colostrum, we ensure they do, we take the remainder.
I am sensitive to dairy products, can colostrum work for me?
Colostrum contains milk proteins. If you have any concerns, please speak to your physician prior to taking colostrum.
When is colostrum collected and processed?
Colostrum should be collected during the first 0-8 hours after birth when it contains its highest concentration of immune and growth factors.
How does colostrum interact with other supplements or prescription medications?
Colostrum has no known drug interactions. However, colostrum helps the bowel absorb; this means everything you put into the gut may have a much higher uptake. Medications may need to be re-evaluated for dose and need by your medical professional.
How much should I take and when?
It has been suggested that for best results, Colostrum should be front-loaded (taken in larger doses initially and then lowered after desired results are obtained). Because Colostrum has no contraindications of any sort and with a 98.7% uptake into the body it is used to its fullest capacity within the body and body systems.
Some people may experience “a healing incident” as the body releases toxins (digestive problems, skin eruptions, rashes or flu-like symptoms). These symptoms usually disappear in a couple of days. Colostrum’s growth factors may create initial pain in areas of old wounds or injuries as it helps with the healing process. If this becomes uncomfortable, you may want to cut back, increasing your intake slowly as you reach optimum levels.
How do I take colostrum?
The powder may be mixed with other foods, such as shakes. Many people have even used the Colostrum powder to promote topical healing.
For quicker absorption, the Colostrum may be placed under the tongue or around the gums and allow it to absorb. The powder may also be mixed and taken with any liquid drink or food (we have found putting it on top of applesauce, yogurt, or cottage cheese works well) or on an empty stomach.
What if I am pregnant or nursing?
Ask your Doctor or medical professional prior to taking any prescription drugs, over the counter medicines, herbal and nutritional supplements. Offer him/her a leaflet which spells out the benefits colostrum with references.
Can I give my children colostrum?
There are no contra-indications with colostrum. In fact, in the 1950s, Dr. Albert Sabin, developer of the polio oral vaccine, discovered that bovine colostrum contains antibodies that work against polio; and recommended colostrum as a dietary supplement for children who were vulnerable to polio. However, we suggest that you consult with your health care provider.
Can I give my pets colostrum?
There are no contra-indications with colostrum. In fact, in the 1950s, Dr. Albert Sabin, developer of the polio oral vaccine, discovered that bovine colostrum contains antibodies that work against polio; and recommended colostrum as a dietary supplement for children who were vulnerable to polio. However, we suggest that you consult with your health care provider.
Can colostrum help with depression?
Alpha-lactalbumin, which is found in colostrum, was found to help increase tryptophan, which helps your brain synthesize serotonin.
Still have a question? Drop us a line!
+971 (0) 50 990 4535